Friday, December 10, 2010

I am so annoyed! Who is with me?

Meetings without agendas. People who will not be quiet while a speaker is presenting. Older people who must be "in the know". A completely decorated, pre-lit tree where 2/3 of the lights quit working. Styrofoam cups with holes in them. Crumbs in the bed. Lack of organization. Expedited shipping that is one day faster than standard shipping but $10 more expensive. Ugly dolls that are insanely overpriced. Bossy people. Complaining for the sake of complaining. Excuse-making. 

Ok, I feel better....and yes, that is just from one day!

OH, and one more thing...meeting your health insurance deductible with only three weeks left in the year!

"The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances." 
 Martha Washington

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